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Everything posted by vkz

  1. vkz

    Free ban

  2. vkz

    keliu demo ne už save unban Abra

    žaidejas unbanintas adminas nubaustas 3 dienu banu uz free ban
  3. vkz


    ikelk demo i pati uzas tinklapi arba mediafire nes man neatidaro zippyshare
  4. demo for me is broken, but im seeing comments and yes lasers on spawn is allowed @BuildArt perziures demo jai jam eis ir parasys atsakyma
  5. vkz


    1. nera demo 2. ss yra random daryti tavo o ne kokio admino/priziuretojo 3 nematau taves banliste
  6. vkz

    demo/ss for BulidArt

    and those cheat models are not allowed on server you get 20 day ban for that
  7. vkz

    demo/ss for BulidArt

    upload demo in other site or directly on uzas site i cant dawnload it from zippyshare
  8. vkz


    adminas prase demo arba ss nieko itartino demo nesimato o apie admina pirma pries prasydamas pirma apsisprendia ko jis nori adminui dabar turetu buti skirta bausme uz free ban demo buvo ikeltas adminas neperziurejas demo uzbanino stasena ...
  9. vkz

    unban Talk.

    3. SS/Demo Įrodymai[BŪTINA] demo/irodymai yra butini nera demo/irodymu nera unban
  10. vkz

    Pasiūlymas projektui

    Verhas tai esu as (if someone dosent know)
  11. vkz

    Pasiūlymas projektui

    vakar buvo isrinkti du priziuretojai todel temos bus tikrinamos daug dazniau
  12. GTA 5 ONLINE premium edition for free take it here : https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/grand-theft-auto-v/home/?fbclid=IwAR3Yry10aTWZ0sUg6QOuuASJ16SddngmJOnIKgK7gBJNThuGQN1i3hwAhKc
  13. vkz


    Demo is required
  14. [PAK] Wajdan* or/and Waqas got 2 weeks BAN for USING BOTS AT NIGHT
  15. pleas dont upload demos in zippyshare insted use mediafire or somthing zippyshare is broken and i cant open those links
  16. yea im understand that but in like that menu for admin you wana choice lang to the en soo its easyer to players from another countries you need only press on Paslaugos then on en flag and next time when he's get admin its get on that sistem noney soo its like easyer
  17. yea im understand that but in like that menu for admin you wana choice lang to the en soo its easyer to players from another countries you need only press on Paslaugos then on en flag and next time when he's get admin its get on that sistem noney soo its like easyer
  18. first why wajdan dont writing this topic and seckond you can change your admin password by doing those steps 1. 2. 3.
  19. vkz


    after new update you dont see them anymore (cuz off new anticheat) , i think it's not mutchwork left in that new update
  20. vkz

    Free ban ??????

    i can't see something suspicious whatches demo 3 times and can't find why someone need to ban you you getting unban and @Stasenas LT kita karta nueik i spec isitikinti nes gali buti pasekmes uz free banus
  21. vkz

    New maps.

    you can sudest your maps in this topic and they might be added needed all sprites sounds and everything
  22. where is demo ? without demo can do nothing
  23. vkz

    Lesa #2

    tavo dem failas yra netinkams /sugedes
  24. vkz


    po darbo paziuresiu